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Phil Spencer: Microsoft will be able to beat off a deal to buy Bethesda without selling games on PlayStation

Phil Spencer, answering the question of whether it would be possible to recoup the $7.5 billion investment without selling Elders Scrolls VI on PlayStation, clearly said: “Yes.” At the same time, the head of the Xbox brand gave several clarifications about the possible multiplatform policy of the company.The issue of the release of new projects by Bethesda, id Software, Arkane and other studios outside Microsoft platforms has been worrying players since September.

Unions have called on Blizzard employees to strike after the closure of the French office

After Blizzard announced the closure of its office in France, local trade unions called on employees to go on strike. According to the organizations, the company just wants to get away from European taxes.This became known from a joint statement of three trade union organizations, including the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), which represent the interests of Blizzard employees in France.