All publications by tag «Unity»


Unity employees are worried that they may be working on military projects. The reason for this is the opaque policy of the company

It’s no secret that the Unity engine is used not only in video games — car brands, architects, military and many others also work with it. However, it turned out that Unity Technologies is in no hurry to tell employees which projects their work will be part of. Developers are afraid that developments can be taken without their knowledge to fulfill military orders.

Almost half of the projects from the top 50 most highly rated games on Steam are made on the Unity engine

A Reddit user found out which engines are most often used in the most highly rated games on Steam. It turned out that in the top 50 last year, almost 50% of projects were made on Unity. This engine is ahead of competitors, including Unreal, by a large margin.Such conclusions were reached by the user wx3labs, who shared the results of his small research on a popular site.