All publications by tag «IT»


IT specialists from accredited companies will not fall under partial mobilization – Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

According to the Ministry, partial mobilization will not affect specialists from “accredited organizations operating in the field of information technology and involved in the development, development, implementation, maintenance and operation of solutions in the field of information technology and ensuring the functioning of information infrastructure.”

The Association of “Domestic Software” asked not to simplify the process of including projects in the register of domestic software

Russian IT companies appealed to the head of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation Maksut Shadaev with a request not to simplify the requirements and not to change the order in which new products are included in the register of domestic software. The association “Domestic Software” believes that because of this initiative, many direct clones of foreign applications will be able to get into the registry.

The government plans to create a separate court for Russian IT companies

The Ministry of Finance has proposed to introduce a special court for IT companies, which can be launched by 2024. We are talking about the consideration of criminal cases under economic articles. The agency is also considering the introduction of a moratorium on inspections, which, according to officials, will help companies “feel protected.”This was stated by the head of the department Maksut Shadaev at a meeting of the Federation Council for the Development of the…