All publications by tag «Epic Games»


Epic Games became the publisher of the studio Spry Fox, famous for the game Triple Town

Epic increases the portfolio of published games. Today it became known that the Fortnite developer has taken on publishing future projects of two studios — from the veteran of the indie scene Spry Fox, responsible for the emergence of the merge genre, and from the newly launched Eyes Out team, organized by the designer Spec-Ops: The Line together with the guitarist Nine Inch Nails.

Google discussed with Tencent the purchase of Epic Games and paid “hundreds of millions of dollars” so that developers would not leave the Play Store

Details from the trial of Epic Games and Apple continue to emerge. This time they are about Google. It turned out that the company was thinking about buying Fortnite authors with the help of Tencent. She also paid smartphone manufacturers to abandon third-party marketplaces and gave at least “hundreds of millions of dollars” to popular developers so that they would not leave the Play Store.