All publications by tag «Epic Games»


$350 million on Minecraft Content and Millions on Roblox Games: How Companies Build Metaverses

Today, the concept of metaverses in the gaming industry is becoming increasingly popular. Microsoft reported that the authors of content for Minecraft have already earned over $350 million on it. And individual game developers for Roblox earn hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars a year. We tell you what metaverses are and why developers are actively investing in them.
Investments and transactions

Epic Games has closed a $1 billion investment round. The company’s value exceeded $28 billion

Epic Games has attracted additional investments in the amount of $ 1 billion. This, among other things, made it possible to strengthen cooperation with Sony, which this time invested an additional $ 200 million in the company. Epic Games’ total valuation was $28.7 billion.Epic Games announced the closing of the investment round today on its official website.

Tim Sweeney on the multimillion-dollar losses of Epic Games Store: “This is not a loss of money, but an investment in business”

Epic Games is losing hundreds of millions of dollars on its own store. Over the past two years, Epic Games Store losses have reached $454 million, and by the end of 2021, they may even amount to about $ 600 million. But Tim Sweeney is sure there is nothing wrong with that. He calls the losses “fantastic investments” and believes that such a strategy will prove itself well in the future.