All publications by tag «Epic Games»


Fortnite’s App Store marketing has cost Apple a million dollars over the past 11 months

Apple actively helped with the promotion of Fortnite in the App Store, said Michael Schmid, head of the gaming business development department at the App Store. It is not known how much the company has spent on marketing the title for the entire time of its existence, but from October 2019 to August 2020, it invested $ 1 million. Lauren Moskowitz, a lawyer at Epic Games, described it as a “bargain.”

Epic Games: Fortnite has almost reached the limit of growth on consoles

According to Matthew Weissinger, marketing director of Epic Games, Fortnite has practically nowhere else to grow on consoles. The authors of the battle royale see the biggest opportunities for growth in mobile. He explained this by the fact that everyone has smartphones, unlike consoles and gaming PCs. Weissinger also added that before Fortnite was removed from the App Store, there were only 2.5 million people on iOS DAU titles — 10% of the total DAU…

Epic Games wanted to attract Steam Bestsellers to the Epic Games Store

The owners of the Epic Games Store planned to earn about $500 million if 80 of the best-selling Steam games appeared in their store. The company developed the plan in 2019. In it, Epic Games also explained that without these bestsellers, it would be problematic for her to get a large share of the PC market. However, we note that by the end of the year, the company had agreed only with the developers of…

Tim Sweeney admitted that he does not know what consequences the victory of Epic Games will bring to non-gaming applications

One of the fundamental points that Epic Games defends is the permission to use third—party payment systems in the App Store. According to the company, this will “put an end to Apple‘s monopoly”, and users will receive more convenient and cheaper payment methods inside applications. That’s just such an innovation will affect all iOS applications, not just games like Fortnite.