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Media: The European Commission has again sent out a questionnaire to the gaming company about the deal between Microsoft and Activision Blizzard. It has 91 pages

The European antimonopoly regulator continues to collect information about how the purchase of Activision Blizzard by Microsoft Corporation may affect the gaming market. According to Reuters, in December, the European Commission sent a large questionnaire to developers, publishers and distributors of games, as well as suppliers of operating systems for PC.

“We relocated to Uzbekistan and assembled our animation studio,” Kirill Zolovkin from Heart Core about the main thing for 2022

On the eve of the New Year, App2Top continues to publish interviews from the “Results” series, in which it interviews top managers of the gaming industry (and related ones) about how the year has passed for their company and the market. Next up is an interview with Kirill Zolovkin, an indie developer and founder of the Heart Core studio.