All publications by tag «courts»


A conflict broke out between the authorities investigating harassment in Activision Blizzard

The situation around the harassment investigation at Activision Blizzard is getting more complicated. The California Department of Fair Employment and Placement (DFEH) believes that a peace agreement concluded between a gaming company and one of the federal agencies will harm the lawsuit. At the same time, the Department itself is accused of violating professional ethics.The beginning of the conflict

Google discussed with Tencent the purchase of Epic Games and paid “hundreds of millions of dollars” so that developers would not leave the Play Store

Details from the trial of Epic Games and Apple continue to emerge. This time they are about Google. It turned out that the company was thinking about buying Fortnite authors with the help of Tencent. She also paid smartphone manufacturers to abandon third-party marketplaces and gave at least “hundreds of millions of dollars” to popular developers so that they would not leave the Play Store.

A film was made in China about a game similar to PUBG. Developers from Krafton are considering a lawsuit

At the beginning of August, the premiere of the film Biubiubiu (硬汉枪神) took place in China, the events of which unfolded around a game in the battle royale genre. Although the audience warmly welcomed the movie, it was not without incidents. The fact is that the battle royale shown is too similar to PUBG. The Krafton company said that it is thinking about going to court.

Activision Blizzard was sued for discrimination against women. The company denies the charges

Activision Blizzard was accused of discriminating against employees based on gender. According to the lawsuit, the company intentionally does not promote women in the service and understates their salaries. They complain about harassment and compare the atmosphere at work with the atmosphere of a fraternity. However, the company itself denies such accusations.The lawsuit was filed on July 20 in Los Angeles Superior Court following a two-year investigation.