

Mobile advertising in the United States alone earned $5.3 billion in the first half of 2014

Mobile advertising in the first half of 2014 in the United States accounted for 23% of revenue from all Internet advertising in the country, – says IAB in its latest report. In total, in the first six months of this year, the mobile advertising segment of the States earned $ 5.3 billion. This is 76% more than in the first half of 2013. Mobile search accounted for $2.7 billion, visual mobile advertising (mobile display, which…

Mobile commerce – a new trend in mobile marketing

CPI is the dominant model in the mobile advertising market. For example, 59% of Facebook’s advertising revenue in the second quarter came from mobile advertising, the main share of which is CPI, Venturebeat writes.  But the cost of such advertising is very high, moreover, it continues to grow. According to Fiksu, the annual price increase for installations was 16% on iOS and 44% on Android. Today, many cannot afford it. For large advertisers, its high…

Bobaka: you can always try to come to the copyright holders “from the street”

The other day, an update of the first mobile game under the brand of the children’s animated series “Barboskiny” appeared on the windows of Google Play (studio “Mill”, has been shown since 2011 in “Good Night, kids”) from the Moscow studio Bobaka. On this occasion, we decided to talk to the founders of the studio, to ask how it works in the market of children’s applications in general and children’s games under license in particular.