

The designer of Pillars of Eternity II about the development of the sequel and the anger of fans

Creating a sequel to Pillars of Eternity was a difficult task – every bold step taken by developers from Obsidian Entertainment was accompanied by doubts, and whether the changes would alienate fans. For some fans of the game, the final product really caused anger. Josh Sawyer, a member of the development team, showed with concrete examples why the authors were forced to make this or that decision.
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Introducing new features into an already released game: approaches and solutions

It is impossible without updates today. It doesn’t matter if we are talking about the development of a premium project or a frituplay. In any case, the players are waiting for supplements. That’s just not everyone can benefit. If the players do not accept the new thing, you will lose both money and the audience. Therefore, you need to test it before launching. How they do it — we tell you in the article.