Editors’ Choice

Editors' Choice

Garfield in “Natives” as an example of a successful brand collaboration in a mobile game

The introduction of celebrities and popular movie and television characters into the game is a common practice in the mobile sphere. Now Lithuanian Game Insight has started to practice it actively. The other day she launched a large-scale event in her 60 million blockbuster “Natives”. The face of the new event was Garfield the cat, a popular hero of comics and animated series. We tell you exactly how the company implemented the brand in its…
Editors' Choice

Introducing new features into an already released game: approaches and solutions

It is impossible without updates today. It doesn’t matter if we are talking about the development of a premium project or a frituplay. In any case, the players are waiting for supplements. That’s just not everyone can benefit. If the players do not accept the new thing, you will lose both money and the audience. Therefore, you need to test it before launching. How they do it — we tell you in the article.