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The impact of large demos on the findability of games on Steam on the example of Loop Hero and The Riftbreaker

Developers often make demos for Steam short in order to give players only a basic idea of the project and mechanics. However, some almost do not limit users by time, allowing them to play trial versions for hours. Excellent examples are the demos of Loop Hero and The Riftbreaker, which showed the effectiveness of such a strategy and interested the hardcore audience even before the release.Loop Hero

The revenue of Crash Bandicoot: On the Run exceeded $ 1.2 million, and its downloads — 34 million

According to the results of the first quarter (ended March 31) Crash Bandicoot: On the Run hit the tops in downloads and revenue. To date, the King project has earned over $ 1.2 million, and the game has overcome the 20 million downloads mark faster than any other runner — including Subway Surfers. However, now the mobile “Crash” indicators have begun to decline.Revenue data

IO Interactive has opened a third studio and announced plans to publish third-party games

IO Interactive shared its plans for the development of the company. She has already opened the third studio in a row, which will help them, among other things, in working on an unannounced project on a new IP. In addition, the authors of the Hitman series have announced their intention to engage in publishing.This was announced by the CEO of IO Interactive Hakan Abrak (Hakan Abrak) in an interview with the publication .

The government plans to create a separate court for Russian IT companies

The Ministry of Finance has proposed to introduce a special court for IT companies, which can be launched by 2024. We are talking about the consideration of criminal cases under economic articles. The agency is also considering the introduction of a moratorium on inspections, which, according to officials, will help companies “feel protected.”This was stated by the head of the department Maksut Shadaev at a meeting of the Federation Council for the Development of the…

CD Projekt expects record revenue in 2020. It can be 2.6 times higher than in the year of release of The Witcher 3

About a week remains until the publication of CD Projekt‘s annual report on the results of 2020, but the Polish holding is already impatient to share a couple of preliminary figures. The creators of Cyberpunk 2077 said that last year the company’s earnings increased more than two and a half times compared to the record 2015. Recall that it was then that they released The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.