About a week remains until the publication of CD Projekt‘s annual report on the results of 2020, but the Polish holding is already impatient to share a couple of preliminary figures. The creators of Cyberpunk 2077 said that last year the company’s earnings increased more than two and a half times compared to the record 2015. Recall that it was then that they released The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

In total, CD Projekt’s revenues for 2020 amounted to zł2.14 billion ($562 million) — this is zł1.34 billion ($352 million) more than it was in 2015. In addition, the current revenue is four and a half times higher than the results of 2019, when CD Projekt earned zł521 million ($124.7 million).

The second figure shared by the Polish studio is the highest net profit in its history. In 2020, it reached the mark of zł1.15 billion ($303 million). This is three times higher than the previous record, also set in 2015 — zł342 million ($89.8 million).

CD Projekt itself does not write what caused such success. But it is likely that it is largely due to the December release of Cyberpunk 2077 and strong sales of the company’s back catalog against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nevertheless, analysts fear that CD Projekt may expect a sharp drop in revenue as early as 2021. This opinion was shared, for example, by the well-known analyst Daniel Ahmad. However, he also recalled that the launch of The Witcher 3 provided Poles with high revenue for several years. But note that the release of the game about the witcher did not fall into the center of many scandals, as happened in the case of Cyberpunk 2077.

At the moment, it is unknown exactly how many copies of Cyberpunk 2077 were sold and how much CD Projekt earned on them. Perhaps this information will appear in the full version of the report, which the company is due to publish on April 22.

We add that the figures announced today with financial results for 2020 are preliminary and may change about the final report.
