All publications by tag «Epic Games Store»


The agreement of Chinese companies to combat gaming addiction may hit Steam and other stores

Last week, Tencent, NetEase and more than 200 Chinese gaming companies signed an agreement to combat gaming addiction. A number of experts believe that this could also hit foreign platforms. Among them are Steam, Epic Games Store and other stores that developers actively use to bypass the process of obtaining state licenses to sell their titles in China.The main attention in the signed agreement was paid to online games.

Epic Games wanted to attract Steam Bestsellers to the Epic Games Store

The owners of the Epic Games Store planned to earn about $500 million if 80 of the best-selling Steam games appeared in their store. The company developed the plan in 2019. In it, Epic Games also explained that without these bestsellers, it would be problematic for her to get a large share of the PC market. However, we note that by the end of the year, the company had agreed only with the developers of…

Tim Sweeney on the multimillion-dollar losses of Epic Games Store: “This is not a loss of money, but an investment in business”

Epic Games is losing hundreds of millions of dollars on its own store. Over the past two years, Epic Games Store losses have reached $454 million, and by the end of 2021, they may even amount to about $ 600 million. But Tim Sweeney is sure there is nothing wrong with that. He calls the losses “fantastic investments” and believes that such a strategy will prove itself well in the future.