The official blog of Epic Games Store has information about the store’s business results for the past year. The user base has reached 194 million people. The total spending of users for twelve months amounted to $840 million.


  • The user base has grown to 194 million (this is 34 million more than a year earlier).
  • The average MAU for the year is unknown, but the peak was observed in December. It amounted to 62 million (an increase of 11% relative to the same period last year). For comparison, Steam‘s MAU back in 2020 was at the level of 120 million.
  • Epic Games Store’s peak DAU was around 31.1 million. This is slightly less than in 2020 (a drop of 200 thousand people). For comparison, Steam had it in 2020 in the region of 62.2 million.
  • The peak online store of “epics” reached 13.2 million in 2021. This is almost the same as in 2020. There is no growth. For comparison, Steam’s peak online in 2022 reached 28 million. This is 4 million more than in 2020.


  • The library of Epic Games Store games has doubled in a year and amounted to 917 titles by the end of 2021. There is no point in comparing it with Steam, where almost 12 thousand games are released per year.
  • In total, the games collected $ 840 million from users on the Epic Games Store (20% more than a year earlier).
  • Third-party titles are responsible for 36% of all sales (players spent $ 300 million on them, which is 12% more than in 2020).

Free giveaways

  • Last year, Epic Games Store distributed 765 million copies of the game for free.
  • As a result, 76 games broke their own records for the number of one-time users (an average of 13 times).


Epic Games Store also named which games by the end of 2021 were the “largest” on the site. What exactly was meant is not entirely clear. Most likely, we are talking about the audience, and not about the box office, since, for example, the Darkest Dungeon sequel, whose price is significantly less than, for example, FarCry 6, got into the selection.

Plans for 2022

As part of the summing up, the store promised that a full-fledged launch of tools for self-publishing games will take place in 2022. Previously, it functioned for a limited number of companies exclusively in test modes. Also, the developers of the store promise:

  • continue working on the implementation of social functions;
  • add custom ratings and polls;
  • integrate game centers (news of monitored games will be reported within their framework);
  • increase the speed of the launcher.
