All publications of the author Artem Novikov


The debut stream of Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay has reached the Top 10 of Twitch popularity

On August 27, CD Projekt Red for the first time unveiled the gameplay of the future role-playing game Cyberpunk 2077. The developers demonstrated about an hour of gameplay on the Twitch stream service. At the peak of activity, 459 thousand viewers watched the broadcast at the same time, which set a daily record and made the Cyberpunk 2077 stream one of the most popular shows on Twitch this month.

The creator of Super Mario advised gaming companies to moderate their appetite

The famous Japanese game designer Shigeru Miyamoto (Shigeru Miyamoto) appealed to colleagues in the gaming industry with a request not to be so greedy for gamers’ money. According to him, Nintendo partially avoids free—play monetization models precisely for this reason – the company does not want to ruin players. Miyamoto stated this on August 22 during a speech at the Computer Entertainment Developers Conference held in Yokohama.