The famous Japanese game designer Shigeru Miyamoto (Shigeru Miyamoto) appealed to colleagues in the gaming industry with a request not to be so greedy for gamers’ money. According to him, Nintendo partially avoids free—play monetization models precisely for this reason – the company does not want to ruin players. Miyamoto stated this on August 22 during a speech at the Computer Entertainment Developers Conference held in Yokohama.

According to the creator of the Super Mario and Donkey Kong franchises, the classic premium model of selling games at a fixed price is more reliable in the long term, since it does not overload the user with expenses.

“We are lucky that the gaming market has become so large, and we believe that if we sell as many games as possible at reasonable prices, it will provide a great profit,” said the game designer.

Miyamoto said the company will continue to sell games at fixed prices. In the future, Nintendo intends to focus on promoting its products to the widest possible audience and simultaneously develop the mobile gaming business.

Shigeru Miyamoto also drew attention to the monetization model through subscription to content services, which has completely changed the music industry by now. According to him, the same thing is already happening with the gaming industry. In this regard, Miyamoto asked the developers not to sacrifice the quality of their games, but on the contrary, to make sure that users get used to getting a well-made product for their money.

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