Industry November 13, 2013 Warner Bros. going to make a movie based on Temple Run Mobile brands have reached Hollywood. Warner Bros. Film Company He is in talks with David Heyman, the producer of Harry Potter and Gravity, about the transfer of Temple Run to the big screen.
Industry October 30, 2013 Batman will appear in Puzzle & Dragons The cross-content promotion model is becoming increasingly popular on the mobile market (this is when the characters of one project appear in another). Next up is the collaboration between GungHo and Warner Bros.
Industry October 14, 2013 Batman: Arkham Origins will appear on iOS and Android Warner Bros. successfully develops a niche for supporting its console projects with mobile releases.
Interview May 8, 2013 Warner Bros. created a game studio Warner Bros. announced the creation of a new game studio in San Francisco. It was headed by former Glu Mobile boss Greg Ballard. The studio will create mobile free-to-play projects. In his interview with GamesIndustry International, Ballard talked about her plans.
Industry March 28, 2013 Injustice: Gods Among Us will appear on mobile platforms Yesterday at GDC it became known that the authors of Mortal Combat and Batman: Arkham City Lockdown have taken up the creation of a mobile version for their latest project Injustice: Gods Among Us.
Other December 12, 2012 Filmmakers put on Kabam Warner Bros. Film Companies and MGM invested in Kabam studio, specializing in the development and publication of hardcore mobile strategies (Kingdoms of Camelot: Battle for the North, Arcane Empires).
Other September 26, 2012 Kabam will create two “Hobbit” games Warner Bros. Film Company I entrusted the development of as many as two game adaptations of Peter Jackson’s future trilogy “The Hobbit” to the creators of Kingdoms of Camelot.