Valve will add histograms with the dynamics of positive and negative ratings to the Steam game pages. This will help to resist the “review-bombing” — the collapse of the game’s rating with a large number of negative reviews.

Valve employee Alden Kroll explained that “review-bombing” has become an effective tool for public influence on developers.

But this method is increasingly resorted to due to disagreement with the company’s policy and other reasons unrelated to the quality of games whose rating is underestimated by users.

Histogram of reviews of the game on Steam

Visualization of positive and negative reviews for each game on Steam will help gamers better understand the state of the current rating, not to miss a good title and not to be held hostage by other people’s interests, because of which another attack occurred.

Kroll stressed that Valve will not introduce measures restricting the right of players to express their opinions in principle.

Among the goals of the “review bombing” this year were GTA V and games published by Paradox Interactive. In both cases, the attacks occurred due to users’ dissatisfaction with the actions of the publishing companies.

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