The Finns, having shot an advertisement with Neeson for the Super Bowl, did everything right. The former Jedi and the star of the Hostage trilogy is now one of the most recognizable and positively perceived stars on American television, Nielsen analysts said.

Supercell сделала правильный шаг, выбрав Лиама Нисона для рекламы Clash of Clans

While most mobile teams today are forced to look for non-standard promotion models, not being able to spend a lot of money to buy traffic, market leaders are also experiencing problems because their “arable land” is burned. And this means that it’s time to look for a new audience and new channels.

We have already written and said more than once that television, commercials during the broadcast of significant sports competitions and, in general, video advertising is just one of such channels into which large and rich companies have rushed in the hope of not only reaching a new audience, but also, as Eric Sefert believes, legitimizing the success of their titles and, in general, purchases of virtual goods among the widest possible audience.

It is clear that the effectiveness of legitimization and, of course, the effectiveness of the video in this context will directly depend on the content of the advertisement. And, as far as can be understood from the latest Nielsen research, Supercell acted much smarter than Machine Zone and uCool, who also showed videos during the Super Bowl.

The fact is that, according to Nielsen, the main character of the Clash of Clans ad Liam Neeson (Liam Neeson) – ranks first in the Top 10 most popular marketing stars. Only the former Bond Pierce Brosnan and Matthew McConaughey, who received well-deserved recognition only last year, are slightly behind him.

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This top was compiled based on the chart of the most recognizable stars of American TV for the first quarter of 2015. According to him, 78% of viewers who knew Neeson received him positively in advertising. Plus, the probability that they remembered the brand they promoted turned out to be twice as much as any other IP.

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It is clear that this is the merit of not only Neeson, but also those who filmed him. However, for example, Kate Upton, who promoted Game of War, did not enter the Top. That is, perhaps, from the point of view of reaching the male audience necessary for the project, her choice was successful, but, in general, Machine Zone would definitely be better suited to Sofia Vergara.

Sources: http://www.nielsen.com
