All publications by tag «gaming industry»


“Too many extinct eyes”: a big discussion about the problems of education in game development

Slava Lukyanenka, senior producer of CD Projekt RED, wrote a post about the systemic problems of education in game development. He shared his thoughts on why there are so many people with “faded eyes” among the graduates of the courses. This caused a discussion, which was joined by other Russian-speaking representatives of the gaming industry.Lukyanenka decided to speak out on this topic after talking with young developers.

The Australian authorities want to develop the gaming industry with the help of tax incentives and simplified visa issuance

Until 2020, the Australian government almost did not support video game developers. Because of this, all AAA studios were closed in the country and there was a shortage of specialists. Ron Curry, head of the local Association of Interactive Games and Entertainment (IGEA), told what the authorities are doing now to fix the situation. Among the measures are a 30% tax deduction and a simplified procedure for obtaining work visas.

Game developers on business trips: “It’s tedious and requires a lot of work”

Glen Schofield, former director of Sledgehammer Games, spoke about the importance of research activities when creating Call of Duty. However, the Kotaku publication compared his work trips with vacations and considered that the head of a large studio had nothing to complain about. Many developers came to Scofield’s defense. They explained why business trips are tedious and difficult work.
Game design

Why Game companies should pay for the rights to Design documents, and what they can learn from cinema

Due to the length of the cycle of modern development, game designers manage to implement not so many ideas during their career. Ryan Sumo, CEO of the Squeaky Wheel indie studio, believes that the situation will improve if the gaming industry can adopt one practice from cinema. We are talking about the sale of options for design documents.Academia: School Simulator, one of the Squeaky Wheel games

Bloomberg: it is difficult for specialists to stay in the gaming industry, despite a record year

Jason Schreier spoke about the situation with layoffs in the gaming industry. In his opinion, today specialists do not feel protected and can be out of work at any time — despite record revenues and sales. The journalist illustrated the problem with several vivid examples, and at the same time suggested ways to solve it.At the beginning of his article for Bloomberg, Schreyer recalls two important events of the first half of the year: the…

Crunches, customer Fraud and outsourcing: Malaysia’s gaming industry through the eyes of local developers

In recent years, Malaysia has become one of the largest gaming markets in Southeast Asia. In 2019 alone, residents of the country spent $673 million on games. But what do local developers think about working in the industry? Among the main problems they name crunches, customer fraud and problems in process management.KrASIA spoke with several experienced developers to get their opinion on the pros and cons of working in the Malaysian gaming industry.