The additional US tax on a number of Chinese goods, which caused a stir in the console market, has been postponed until December 15. Initially, it was supposed to come into force on September 1.

This was reported by the US Trade Mission. The White House decided to wait with the introduction of the duty until the December holidays in order to prevent a rise in prices in the United States at Christmas. His decision will “reduce the impact of the tax on American consumers,” writes .

Gaming devices and parts for them are included in the list of goods, the tax on which will become effective only in December. It did not work out to achieve the complete abolition of the tax. Nintendo and a number of other market players have taken measures to avoid the American tax. In particular, they moved production from China to other countries.

Sony may decide to take a similar step. Her PlayStation is also being assembled in China. Earlier, the company warned that the introduction of the tax could lead to a surge in prices on the console market in the United States.

Recall that the administration of US President Donald Trump started talking about raising tariffs on Chinese goods in the spring. Then it was about increasing the tax to 25%. On August 1, the president promised Beijing to introduce another 10% duty. For the first time, consoles appeared on the list of goods subject to US duties.

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