Search giant Google is thinking about the possibility to stop playing Flash by default in Google Chrome.

Google собирается ограничить Flash

According to The Next Web, so far this is only a project that is under discussion. But if the company gives it the “green light”, then starting from the 4th quarter of this year, any Flash content will ask the user for permission to launch before playback.

For the first year (until the 4th quarter of 2017), this practice will not apply only to the top ten global Internet resources using the Flash plugin. It’s about YouTube, Facebook, Yahoo, VKontakte, Live, Yandex, , Twitch, Amazon and .

Google plans to leave the ability to configure Chrome users so that Flash content opens immediately.

Again, at the moment this is only a project. However, it seems to us that its introduction is more than real. Moreover, this is quite a logical step for a company that recently completely abandoned support for the NPAPI interface, thanks to which Unity Web Player worked. In favor of the fact that the project will be implemented, the imminent (from June 30) ban on all Flash advertising in Chrome also speaks.

Another question is, how will this affect the social gaming industry? Does Google sign her death sentence with such a decision?

A source: The Next Web
