The Russian-Swedish publisher and developer of G5 sued the Russian studio MyTona in connection with non-fulfillment of obligations.

G5 обвинила MyTona в нарушении контракта

A G5 representative noted in an interview with App2Top that “G5 filed a lawsuit against MyTona in connection with non-fulfillment of the conditions for the extension of the license agreement with respect to The Secret Society project.”

G5 did not provide details of the conflict.

“G5 and MyTona have a long and very fruitful relationship, which allowed us to create such a more than successful project in its genre as The Secret Society. Despite the fact that the number of successful projects is only increasing – The Secret Society project is important to us and is an integral part of our portfolio. We are sorry that we have to resort to such measures, but it is necessary and justified in this case,” said G5 CEO Vlad Suglobov.

In a comment for App2Top, MyTona CEO Alexandra Baisheva commented on the lawsuit as follows: “In each partnership, certain controversial issues may arise. We respect the G5’s decision to promote their interests in ways they deem appropriate. Of course, we do not agree with the claims put forward and are ready to defend our rights and legitimate interests in court.”

Developed by MyTona, The Secret Society game is a free–to-play hidden, which was published by G5 on mobile platforms. The project first appeared on the iOS platform in 2012. The game is one of the most successful projects of G5. The Secret Society has been consistently included in the American box office Top 100 since 2013 (iPad, App Store).

The lawsuit also concerns another MyTona game – Seeker’s Notes, which is also hidden. Unlike The Secret Society, its Yakut studio published independently.

The lawsuit is filed in Orange County Superior Court, California.

Source: G5
