All publications of the author


How Activision and the developers of Call of Duty: Mobile rule the balance of weapons in the game

To correct the balance of weapons in Call of Duty: Mobile, developers from TiMi Studios and Activision had to collect community reviews and test them in practice using limited playtests. Matt Lewis, the general manager of the game and vice president of the publisher’s mobile direction, told about the difficulties encountered.Matt Lewis’ original column was published on Gamasutra on May 12.

Ubisoft will release more free—to-play games for its franchises – but not to the detriment of AAA titles

Ubisoft told about the changes in its development strategy. The publisher intends to release freeplay offshoots of its key franchises. However, we are not talking about reducing the number of AAA titles, but about the approach that Activision has been using in recent years to develop the Call of Duty series.Ubisoft announced this during a conversation with investors after the publication of the annual report.