All publications by tag «Bobby the Cat»


Bobby Kotick may leave Activision Blizzard himself if he fails to promptly solve current problems

Bobby Kotick has announced that he will consider resigning as CEO of Activision Blizzard. This will only happen if he fails to solve the current problems quickly. Meanwhile, the company’s shares have fallen by almost a third since the harassment scandal began.The Cat made such a statement during a meeting with Blizzard Entertainment executives, The Wall Street Journal reports.

A lawsuit from investors, problems in the HR department and a Cat’s speech: how is the situation with Activision Blizzard developing

Activision Blizzard is facing a class action lawsuit from investors who have suffered losses due to falling shares amid the harassment scandal. Bobby Kotick, meanwhile, assured that the company will soon change and become an example for the entire industry. And the employees talked about how the HR department systematically hushed up the problems.

Bobby Kotick will receive a $200 million prize. A number of Activision Blizzard investors did not like this

While 50 Activision Blizzard employees are out of work, its CEO will receive a huge bonus. Bobby Kotick will be paid $200 million for the fact that the company’s shares continue to grow. However, a group of investors considers such payments excessive and wants to revise the amount of remuneration for the publisher’s management.Bobby Kotick can count on such an impressive bonus thanks to a clause in his contract called “Shareholder Value Creation Incentive”.