Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick is recognized as the most influential person in the industry. The title was awarded to the Cat by the marketing company ScribbleLive during the CES 2016 exhibition.


In order to find out who is most influential in the gaming world, the company’s experts studied 100 million articles in thematic resources, social networks, media and blogs. The final results were divided into two parts: news related to the CES exhibition and unrelated.


In terms of the number of mentions related to the exhibition, Bobby Kotick is in the lead. According to the number of non-CES news – Hideo Kojima (Hideo Kojima). Moreover, the creator of the Metal Gear Solid series was in the red in terms of the number of mentions associated with the exhibition. Note that the authors of the study do not explain what this means. We assumed that a minus sign means articles with a negative connotation.


ScribbleLive also offered its “influence rating” of brands in the industry. Microsoft took the first place in terms of the number of materials independent of CES. The leader in CES-related news is Oculus.

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