All publications by tag «Bloomberg»


Bloomberg: it is difficult for specialists to stay in the gaming industry, despite a record year

Jason Schreier spoke about the situation with layoffs in the gaming industry. In his opinion, today specialists do not feel protected and can be out of work at any time — despite record revenues and sales. The journalist illustrated the problem with several vivid examples, and at the same time suggested ways to solve it.At the beginning of his article for Bloomberg, Schreyer recalls two important events of the first half of the year: the…

Bloomberg: taking into account inflation, prices for games could exceed $100 by 2020

The increase in base prices for games is one of the most discussed topics at the launch of a new generation of consoles. According to Bloomberg, Sony wanted to raise the price above the stated $70, and taking into account inflation, prices this year could even exceed $ 100.This year, several major publishers, including Take-Two and Sony, announced an increase in prices for individual games to $70.