Tim Sweeney’s fortune is estimated at $7.16 billion.

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Tim Sweeney
At the time of writing, the head of Fortnite developers occupies the 196th line in the list of the 500 richest people in the world according to Bloomberg.

His company, Epic Games, is growing rapidly in value: it is now worth $ 15 billion, and its profit has reached $ 3 billion. Sweeney owns a 44.7% stake in Epic Games.

In the list of the rich, Sweeney stands above Gabe Newell, the head of Valve, who earned $4.58 billion and ended up on the 353rd line of the rating. Although they are both far from the Chinese giants of the gaming industry — NetEase CEO William Ding (number 72 on the list with $14.4 billion) and Tencent co-founder Zhang Zhidong (number 82 with $13.5 billion) *.

* Note that for NetEase and Tencent, gaming is just one of several activities.

The resounding financial success of both Epic Games and Sweeney was guaranteed by Fortnite with its 200 million audience. Recall that the annual revenue of the game on iOS alone was $ 400 million.

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