Can the price of an app affect its visibility and position in the App Store? – ASOdesk and Kindermatica received the answer to this question as part of a joint study.

Влияет ли цена приложения на позицию в поиске App Store

Price reduction, as a rule, leads to an increase in downloads. There are several reasons for this. One – clear to everyone – conversion growth: the lower the price, the more users are willing to buy the product.

Another factor, as it turns out, is the improvement of the position of the application in the search results in the event of a reduction in the price (or a complete rejection of it).

As proof of the impact of the price reduction on the issuance of the company, several examples are given.

From November 23 to November 30, 2016, the game Forest Quest: board game for kids and family began to sell at a discount. Instead of $3.99, its price tag dropped to $0.99. At the time of the promotion, at the request of the school board game, the game began to be in the search results in 8th place instead of the usual 10.

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Another example is the game Yum-Yum Letters: handwriting for kids and alphabet. From November 23 to November 30, it was free. By the end of the promotion, the game on the request of handwriting games was in 15th place against 24 positions before the promotion.

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Bottom line: the factors affecting the place in the search results are not 10, as we wrote about a week ago, but 11. The price also affects the attitude of the search robot to your game.

A source: ASOdesk
