The turnover of mobile advertising in the United States by the end of 2013 will amount to $7.29 billion. More than half of this amount will fall on Google, according to Emarketer.

Thanks to the entry into the mobile advertising market of Facebook and Twitter, its American segment grew by 178% to $4.11 billion last year. This year, analysts believe, it will grow by another 77.3% and amount to $7.29 billion. 

This is five times more than American companies spent on mobile advertising in 2011. And in the near future, the figure will only grow. According to Emarketer, in 2017, the turnover of the mobile advertising market will increase to a fantastic $27.13 billion. This is slightly less than 45% of all digital advertising costs and 13.8% of the total costs in the United States for the promotion of goods by that time. 

In 2013, Google will earn the most from advertising – $3.9 billion behind it. Facebook is in second place with $964 million. The bronze went to Pandora Internet radio, which may earn about $372 million by the end of the year. Twitter is only in fourth position. 

In 2012, Facebook accounted for only 9.5% of the entire market, but this year, thanks to “screen impressions”, its share will grow to 13.2%. For every $10 spent on mobile screenings in the US, $3 goes into Zuckerberg’s pocket.

If we talk about mobile search advertising, then Google is the leader here. The search corporation receives 93.3% of all revenue from this type of advertising. 
