The return on investment of mobile advertisers suffers from a high level of fraud and a large number of accidental clicks. 

Analysts of the Trademob marketing platform came to this conclusion. In June, they conducted a study of 10 top advertising networks, during which they checked more than 6 million clicks from mobile devices. The results were far from ideal. The conversion rate of 40% of advertising clicks turned out to be less than 0.1% (this is for those clicks for each of which the advertiser pays – the pay-per-click scheme). 

Of these, 22% of clicks are random, another 18% can be attributed to the so-called fraudulent. For those who place ads, this means that about 40% of their marketing costs as ROI give zero. 

Bots and pirated programs that got on users’ devices are responsible for half of the fraudulent clicks. According to the Trademob report, “hacked devices that have been infected with the virus create imaginary clicks without the knowledge of users.” For the second half – servers that give out information about clicks that never happened. 

If we talk about the number of random clicks, then it drops. Last year, 47% of all clicks were unintentional. According to Trademob, this can be dealt with by improving the design of advertising.
