The developers of the platform are going to launch a service for working with IAP, which will allow you to change the price and set of goods in in-game stores in real time. 

It is called Chartboost Store.

What does it allow?

First, add new items to the in-game store in real time, as well as adjust their price and characteristics. That is, goodbye, weeks of waiting for the approval of a minor update. 

Secondly, to track how much you get from each IAP (including by user audience segments), to see how effectively this or that festive advertising campaign went.

Thirdly, again, without updates, change the look of your store in real time (rearrange things). 

The service is currently being tested in closed beta mode. You can apply for participation here

Chartboost Store supports iOS, Android and Unity. 

The only “but” is the price of using the service. Developers are asking for 10% of the app’s revenue for it. Is the Chartboost Store worth the potential millions?

Those who subscribe to the beta and get one year of using the service for free will be able to find out. 

A source:
