There are significantly fewer female characters in the runners than male ones, and they cost more. The Toucharcade resource came to this conclusion after a twelve-year-old schoolgirl.


A 6th grade student Madeline Messer once wondered why all her friends, regardless of gender, play endless runners with a male character? She studied 50 top games of a similar genre. It turned out that the main character in them by default is a male character. If a “girl” is present, then in order to play with her, you need to pay.

“In those games where the gender of the character was indicated, 98% of the characters were “boys”. What struck me the most was that only 46% of them could choose a female character. And even more, it was possible to play for a male character for free in 90% of games, and for a female character – only in 15%. This is just ridiculous! Especially considering that in the same Temple Run game, which has been downloaded 1 billion times, 60% of the players are women.”



TOUCHARCADEStatistics are true: women download more mobile games than men, play them longer and spend more.

Moreover, they prefer precisely those genres that are perfectly monetized, namely social games and simulators, casinos, match-3. Even the endless runners in question are a genre favored by women.


The graph reflects the number of hours per week that users spend playing games of various genres. Pink color – women, blue – men, gray – gender is not defined. The graph is compiled by the Flurry analytical resource based on its own data.
Thus, not taking into account the interests of such a large audience and considering that the hero “by default” must necessarily be a male character means losing profit.

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