Steam Spy reports: in 2017, 7.6 thousand games were released on the Steam platform. This is more than the total number of releases in the Valve store for the previous 2 years.

According to Steam Spy, 4.2 thousand games were released on Steam in 2016, and 2.9 thousand games in 2015.

The ratio of games published on Steam from 2004 to 2016, Steam Spy
According to new statistics, at the end of 2017, the Steam game library has about 18.5 thousand products, excluding DLC and non-game content (videos, applications, and so on).

Thus, the number of games published in 2017 on Steam is 41% of the total number of releases on the platform since its launch. On average, 21 games appeared on Steam every day in 2017.

In 2016, the ratio was about the same − 4.2 thousand published titles accounted for 38% of the entire Steam game base at that time.

Steam Spy promised to provide a more detailed analysis of the statistics of Steam releases over the past year in the near future.

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