The authors of World of Tanks within the framework of their own “laboratory for curating external projects” WG Labs launched a competition for the best innovative gaming project.

Wargaming запустил конкурс на лучшую игру с наградой в $10 тысяч

The winner is promised $ 10 thousand, as well as the opportunity to “declare himself”. The “young and ambitious” are invited to participate, whose project, which has reached at least the alpha stage, boasts the presence of PvP, an understandable development system, collectible elements, randomly generated content, as well as micromanagement or RPG elements. It is not necessary to comply with all the points. At least three out of five are needed.

The list of requirements does not end there. The game may not contain PvP, but it should have multiplayer. As for monetization, there, surprise, there were no restrictions (if there is a desire to do a premium project – please, free-to-play – no problem). As for the platforms, the game should be either for PC or for mobile platforms.

The goal of the competition, as stated by Wargaming itself, is to “attract more developers” to the framework of the Wargaming Labs project. The latter, we recall, was launched last summer as a division “implementing original and innovative projects for the gaming industry in cooperation with third-party developers.” In other words, the publisher.

Considering that the company considers the current competition as a promotion of itself as a publisher and a way to find projects for publishing, it is not surprising that the jury of the competition will determine the best project based on criteria such as the originality of the idea and gameplay, the thoughtfulness of the “binding”, “structuring and quality of visual design”, as well as the volume of the potential audience.

You can submit your project for consideration until the end of April. The names of the winners will be announced at the end of May. The most interesting thing is that projects will compete with each other from all over the world, and not only from the territory of the former CIS.

Details about the contest can be found on its official page here. And, of course, unsubscribe if you will participate (and why).

On our own behalf, we add that such activity on the part of large companies (recall, the ZepoLab competition was held only recently, and in mid-February Kongregate announced the launch of an additional program to finance experimental projects), indicates their increasing need for new hits, which can be “merged” with their existing traffic.
