More than 50% of the shares of the French publisher and game developer Gameloft ended up in the hands of the Vivendi media group.

Vivendi получила контрольный пакет Gameloft

The final results of the deal, which officially ended on May 27, will be announced this week, according to Reuters. The company’s shares were acquired from Gameloft’s valuation of €700 million. Vivendi offered €8 for each share.

Recall that in February of this year Vivendi brought its stake in Gameloft to 30%. Then she bought shares for €6.

The Guillemot brothers, who founded and managed Gameloft, opposed the takeover from the first steps to purchase shares from Vivendi. How they will interact with the holder of a large number of shares (especially if he interferes with the management of the asset) and whether they will be is unclear.

Gameloft for Vivendi means a return to the gaming industry, from which it left after the sale of Activision Blizzard of its controlling stake for $ 8.2 billion. Plus, the French media suggest that the media giant is interested in the advertising opportunities of the game developer. Recall, in the first quarter of 2016, Gameloft Advertising Solutions, owned by Gameloft, concluded deals and implemented campaigns for €2.7 million. This is 800% more than a year earlier.

The Russian division of Gameloft declined to comment on the news.

After gaining control of the mobile publishing house Vivendi, as far as can be judged by her actions, is going to take over another asset of the Guillemot family – the giant Ubisoft. The owner of Universal Music Group and Canal+ now has more than 17% of the authors of Assassin’s Creed. In February, it was only 11.5%.

Sources: Reuters, OZAP, theRunet

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