On January 5, ustwo announced in its Twitter feed that most of the installations of the Monument Valley game were made illegally. 


Interesting fact: only 5% of Android downloads and 40% of downloads from Monument Valley iOS were paid and,” the message says.

In other words, ustwo stated that there is still an extremely high level of piracy in popular mobile markets.  

However, the developers also noted that the remaining 95% of “free” Android downloads are not quite right to call pirated. Some “very small number” can also be considered legal, although downloads from the Amazon Appstore platform, where the free distribution campaign was held, were not taken into account.

USTWO’s statements, judging by the comments to the official message, shocked the gaming audience. It is well known about the high level of piracy within the Android ecosystem, but it has long been out of the question about the wide level of jailbreak penetration for iOS. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that a number of Russian experts in the feed of Alexander Baryshnikov, technical director Starttrack.ru , on Facebook questioned the validity of the data when this topic was raised.

Dmitry Burkovsky, vice president of Xsolla, suspects that the developers incorrectly counted the downloads. 

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Alexander Enin, general producer at ustwo, agrees with the fact that they made a mistake. Mail.Ru Games.

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We, in turn, recall that in mid-November, the total downloads of Monument Valley amounted to a serious figure for paid products of 1.4 million. And here, as just above, the question arises, how did the developers think it was, whether it was about individual purchases linked to a particular account, or about the total number of downloads.

By the way, you can personally ask ustwo at the Winter Nights 2015 conference, which will open on February 9, about how the Monument Valley developers considered downloads. 

Also on the topic:The games of the year on the iTunes Store were Threes!

The most famous project is the Monument Valley game.
