The number of downloads in February collapsed by almost 1 million, according to Fiksu. Following this, the price of applications also fell. It seems that users have played enough with their Christmas gifts.

According to the company Fiksu in the new issue of its monthly report, the number of free downloads from the iPhone in the United States in February fell significantly. If in January the number of daily downloads fluctuated around the 6.1 million mark, then in February this figure was already 5.2 million. Thus, the drop was 13%. 

It is not necessary to draw any unexpected or sensational conclusions from this. This is a seasonal phenomenon reflecting the decline in interest in the App Store after the Christmas holidays, for which people bought gadgets for themselves or their relatives as a gift. For a whole month, the attention of new owners to their equipment was increased, and then, for obvious reasons, it began to decline. 

Along with the drop in the number of downloads, the price of acquiring a loyal user (someone who has launched applications three or more times) has also fallen. In January it was $1.57, and in February it was already $1.29. In other words, it decreased by 17%. 
