Two Asian dragons decided to work together. Today, on August 30, Tencent and Square Enix announced the signing of a letter of intent. Its result will be the formation of a strategic alliance of companies.

It is planned that within the framework of the alliance, Tencent will help its Japanese partners in distributing content as a service provider. Moreover, according to the press release, distribution and expansion of sales channels around the world are being discussed.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider — the central September release of Square Enix
“The formed alliance will be a significant help in implementing the strategy of Square Enix Group, which is aimed at diversifying content and expanding the number of channels available to our users,” said Yosuke Matsud, president of Square Enix Holdings.

Another result of the alliance will be the launch of a joint gaming company that will create AAA titles. She will work on both new IP games and existing brands.

“The alliance will connect our Internet service capabilities with the creativity of Square Enix Group and provide our users with unprecedented content on a global basis,” said Steven Ma, Senior vice president of Tencent.

Details of the transaction have not yet been disclosed.

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