As part of the fight against Telegram, Roskomnadzor has officially started blocking IP addresses in Russia. According to unofficial data, 63 out of 600 IP addresses were closed . After that, in an official comment to TechCrunch, Google confirmed that it was affected by the actions of the Russian authorities.

The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications explains its actions by the fact that Google “continues to allow Telegram Messenger Limited Liability Partnership to use its IP addresses to carry out activities on the territory of Russia.” The representative of the Ministry notes that only those addresses that are used by Pavel Durov’s messenger to work in Russia are included in the register.

As for Google, she noted that “she is concerned about reports that some users in Russia cannot access the company’s products and is investigating these reports.” As our colleagues from TechCrunch note, this is Google’s first comment in connection with Russia’s campaign against Telegram and the mass blocking of IP addresses.

According to the Western edition, users have encountered problems when using Google search, Gmail, some have stopped working alerts in Android. Kommersant, with reference to users, also reports problems with the card service. He also notes that “the problem concerns Google services located in the domain —, At the same time in the zone .ru services work without failures.”

If Roskomnadzor continues its “crusade”, and Google does not abandon Telegram hosting, Russia could theoretically find itself completely without the company’s services, including without a working Play Store.

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