From August 2012 to August 2013, the number of monthly active users of games in China increased almost fivefold, according to the Chinese analytical service Umeng and the company ChinaJoy.

The growth rate of gaming MAU is higher than the growth rate of China’s mobile device market, where more than 590 million mobile devices were sold by the end of the third quarter of last year. 

The Umeng report also states that adventure, causal, chess & card, sport and strategy are among the leading genres in terms of the dynamics of the amount of time spent each day on the game (Growth Rate for Daily Engagement Times). For example, players started spending 191% more time on the adventure genre every day. 

However, most of the time players still spend for puzzle, action, chess & card, casual and sport.

On average, Chinese iPad users, after entering the game, spend 6.7 minutes on it (we are not talking about a small gaming session, which, as a rule, is no more than one minute in mobile games, but about a large session, the moment between launching the application and exiting it). iPhone users spend a little less than 5.1 minutes in the game at a time. Android device users turned out to be more involved – their large gaming session, on average, is 5.6 minutes. 


ChinaJoy – also known as China Digital Entertainment Expo & Conference. Asia’s largest gaming exhibition, held annually in Shanghai.
