Sensor Tower analysts have calculated how much the feature in the App Store updated last fall began to affect app downloads. According to their estimates, in the American App Store, the weekly increase in installations of the promoted application can be 800%.

This is the median value of the increase in the “Game of the Day” feature per week compared to the previous week. Other types of promotion also get a significant push. For example, the median dynamics of the “App of the Day” is 685%.

As a rule, big game publishers receive promotion. That is, those who have over the past six months the number of downloads in the United States has been from 1 million. For example, the most common feature gets Electronic Arts.

However, as Sensor Tower notes, Apple also regularly promotes games from small publishers. 29% of the promoted apps have had less than 10,000 downloads in the last six months.

The latter suggests that small teams still have a chance to light up thanks to the feature on the App Store.

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