The release of the Steam version of Destiny 2 was relatively successful. In seven days, the game appeared in the libraries of 2.97 million Steam users.

This is reported by the publication PC Games Insider with reference to Steam Spy. It also notes that 1.9 million of them were recorded already on the first day of release on the Valve platform.

This is a good pace for a game that came out on consoles two years ago. But here it is important to keep in mind:

  • The basic Destiny 2 distribution is distributed for free;
  • at the start, former Destiny 2 PC players hurried to transfer their accounts from .

It is not known how much of these millions account for the purchase of add—ons (Forsaken and the Shadowkeep novelty).

As we have already written, Destiny 2 has performed well not only in terms of acquiring users. Since its release on Steam, it has burst into the online leaders. And so far continues to be in the top five. However, such pillars as PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, Dota 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive are still not surpassed by it.

At the same time, its average daily online (156 thousand) is now higher than the peak of other games of its genre. Warframe on the Steam platform reached a maximum of 132 thousand users. In fairness, he has his own launcher, which is popular with a loyal audience.

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