PUBG, following many popular games, will redo the system of loot boxes. Locked boxes that need a paid key to open will disappear from the game.

How the system works now:

  • players receive Battle Points (BP) virtual currency for certain achievements;
  • for BP, they purchase loot boxes;
  • randomly, they may get blocked loot boxes. To open such, you need to buy a key (in the in-game store or on the Steam Trading platform).

Previously, the community was concerned that in most cases they had blocked mailboxes. According to the PUBG team in a letter to the players, it was the feedback that led to the idea of changes: “Thanks to them, we learned that most often players do not enjoy opening boxes in the form in which they currently exist.”

How it will work:

  • the system will be completely redesigned by December 18. Gradually, the probability of falling out of closed loot boxes will decrease. On the specified date, they will finally disappear from the game.
  • already purchased closed loot boxes will remain in the players’ inventory. The latter will still be able to buy keys to unlock – even after December 18.

Note that previously PUBG Corp. artificially increased the value of locked loot boxes by adding unique items to them. But for the players, such a reward “remained unattractive.”


Recently, studios have been constantly changing the loot box systems in their games. Among the latter is Rocket League. The boxes either disappear completely or become “more transparent”. Although sometimes the “transparency” turned out to be fictitious, as in the case of the French version of CS:GO.

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