
There is a glut in mobile markets today. The demand for applications is much less than the supply. The situation is considered well-known, but the Adjust company decided to remind you about it once again, and not in words, but in numbers.

Let’s start with the general figures (to understand the scale of what is happening).

So, there are 1.2 million app titles in the App Store.  

Last year alone, 453 thousand new programs appeared in the store. However, 57 thousand applications were cut from the store.  

Considering that about 60 thousand applications are added every month, Adjust believes that about 578 thousand programs will appear in the App Store in 2014.

In just six years of the existence of the “apple” app store, more than 1.6 million programs have been downloaded into it. About 350 thousand were deleted, 65 thousand of them were games.

But, you know, all these “dead” – we should not worry. We are sure that most of them were “thrown out” for quite objective reasons.  

It’s a completely different matter – “zombies”. Those applications that can be found in the store, but that no one downloads. In order to be considered “alive”, it is enough to shine in any top at least two or three days a month. 

But there is a problem: in June, 79.6% of applications did not get into such tops. If we compare with the previous months, it turns out that the situation worsens over time. In May 2014, there were 77% of the “living dead” in the store, in December 2013 – 75.2%. 

This is quite understandable: there are more and more applications, the competition is more active. 

But we would like to draw attention to something else: the “live” applications were those that were included in any of the top lists of the App Store (there are 39,171 of them, taking into account all regions and all categories).

Moreover, it seems to us that such programs are hardly alive, given that today entering the Top list in the subcategories gives a minimal boost in terms of downloads. 

By the way, somehow only those who are in the Top 500 start earning (and this does not apply to categories). In other words, out of 1.2 million applications, only those few thousand that are included in the world by country in the Top 500 overall can be considered relatively (very relatively) successful. 

Such is a local tragedy.

A source: https://www.adjust.com
