Amazon has renamed its gaming service Prime Gaming, which 150 million Amazon Prime subscription holders can now use for free. Thus, the company plans to significantly expand the audience, as well as provide a number of advantages to developers.The Twitch Prime project, launched by Amazon in 2016, provided users with free games, in-game items (skins, weapons, etc.) and subscriptions to Twitch.

At the same time, to participate in the program, it was necessary to link your Amazon account to a profile on a popular streaming service that the company acquired in 2014.

Now Amazon has restarted the project, renaming it Prime Gaming. After the rebranding, you will no longer need a Twitch account to use the service. In addition, the company promises users even more bonuses and games, as well as all the benefits of its non-gaming premium subscription.

At the moment, Prime Gaming provides free access to in-game content in GTA Online, Red Read Online, Apex Legends, League of Legends and in more than 20 titles on PC, consoles and mobile devices.

All holders of a Prime subscription will be able to use the service, and at the same time play free games monthly. Amazon does not disclose the number of active users of Prime Gaming, but more than 150 million people participate in the premium program.

Such an expansion of the potential audience, according to the company, can allow small indie developers to bring their projects to millions of potential players. “The industry relies on small studios because they can always make a new Minecraft or Fortnite,” said Larry Plotnick, director of Prime Gaming.

Amazon is also confident that focusing on Prime subscription users will allow major developers to attract a new audience to their games, which will generate revenue in the future and help allocate money for the development of new projects.

Recently, the company has been trying to find new ways to gain a foothold in the gaming industry. For example, this year Amazon Games Studio introduced its first big-budget PC game — the Crucible multiplayer shooter. However, the release was unsuccessful, and the project received negative reviews from the press and players at the start.

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