Most mobile app developers earn less than $500 a month, according to the latest report from Mobile Vision.

The mobile app industry has not been an El Dorado for a long time. Only a few people manage to earn millions, hundreds of thousands of dollars in this market.

According to the Developer Economics Q1 2014 document from Mobile Vision, 60% of developers, of which there are about 2 million in the world, earn less than $500 from the application.

The so-called “middle class”, earning from $500 to $10 thousand a month, is not very common in general. But on iOS, almost 37% of developers can be attributed to this class. On Android, there are significantly fewer of these – only 25%.

The average income per developer from an iOS app is $500-$1000. On Android, everything is much worse, where this amount ranges from $100 to $200. And this trend is unlikely to change in the near future, as Android is growing due to an increase in sales of budget models of devices.  Yes, developers for Windows 8 and Windows Phone get the least. The average income per developer per application for Microsoft platforms ranges from $1 to $50.

Economic difficulties force developers to switch to contract development.

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Vision Mobile positions itself as a leading research company in the field of application economics. Regularly publishes research by Developer Economics, which covers more than 6,000 mobile software developers in the world.
