Conferences 09.04.2018 18:05 09.04.2018 18:05 Lyuba Borodulina White Nights Prague 2018: Amazon shares Data Published by Lyuba Borodulina Tags: Amazon,developer exhibition,gamedev,White Nights,white nights 2018,White Nights Prague 2018,whitenightsprague,wn conference 2018,wnconf,wnconf 2018,wnconfprague A report by Mike Hines from Amazon. The speaker shared data shared with Newzoo and Twitch about who is playing, who is watching, and who is paying now in the eSports field. Tags: Amazondeveloper exhibitiongamedevWhite Nightswhite nights 2018White Nights Prague 2018whitenightspraguewn conference 2018wnconfwnconf 2018wnconfprague