Last summer, the “Games to Be” demo festival was held on Steam for the first time. Since then, Valve has held three more such events. In its blog, the company told how they affected the number of vishlist and game sales.

We have chosen the main thing:

  • on average, the number of additions to the vishlist of games participating in the festivals jumped by 421%, compared with the results two weeks before the start of the events;
  • According to Valve, half of the games have an even more than 421% increase in the number of vishlist. Another 45% of games have vishlist increased not so much, and 5% of games have dropped altogether;
  • Steam users continued to add games from festivals to vishlists even after they ended. On average, the number of additions during the three weeks after the end of the festivals was 15% higher than two weeks before they began;
  • the growth of vishlist was also reflected in sales — they increased by 292%.

Recall that during the “Games to Be” festival, Steam users can try free demos of games that have not yet been released and watch developer broadcasts.

The next festival will be held on Steam from October 1-7. You can apply for participation until August 16.
